
Monday, October 15, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week: October 15, 2012

Picture me blowing by saying "happy Monday!" Because that is pretty much how things have been around here...windy!! I guess it is typical of this time of year, rain and wind, yuck! I'm missing summer already! At least it was quite warm today, which makes it bearable. Things are definitely showing signs that winter is coming...all this wind has knocked the leaves right off the trees, lol!

It was a busy week preparing for our Harvest Supper on Saturday, but everything went smoothly and we were able to feed about 120 people for that meal! It certainly could not have been done had not the ladies of our church worked together to get everything there and ready on time. It was a big success, and there was one returning visitor in the services Sunday. That is what it is all about!

Here are the blessings that I added to my 1,000 gifts list last week:

445. Sweet church family
446. Visitor at Ladies Meeting
447. Talking to a long-distance friend
448. Online acquaintances
449. Fall decor
450. Still and quiet (for a little bit!)
451. Church family working together
452. Lots of visitors and unsaved at our Harvest Supper
453. Radio Sunday!

I was able to get quite a bit done off my goals list from last week:

Try a new recipe - can read it here

Decorate for Harvest supper - done, and I’ll let you see it later this week!

Decorate bulletin board - done...see it here

Make 1 bag - done

Start another sewing project - didn’t get to this

Write 1 email - done

Mending - done

Continue reading Shiloh Autumn and Every Living Thing - can hardly put them down!

Here are my goals for this week:

Make 4 bags

Prep for craft fair - this is apparently the week to try new things. Today is the cake contest and next Saturday I am planning on taking some things to a craft fair for the first time. We’ll see how it goes - should be fun!

Purge and swap clothes - I recently acquired a bunch of hand-me-up clothes, so some of the old ones need to go! I also need to get out more winter gear...le sigh.

Work on new printables

Write one email to a friend

Complete a pinterest-inspired project

Continue reading Shiloh Autumn and Every Living Thing - Every Living Thing literally has me laughing out loud when I read it, I can’t wait to tell you about it when I’m done!

That is what I'll be up to this about you??


  1. Where are you going to the craft fair? Hope you do well with it!

    Sounds like you had a great group for your Harvest Supper. Is it an outreach ministry...

    1. I'm planning on going to one in Cornwallis, at the museum. I have to call tomorrow and book a table...hope they aren't all filled!

      Our harvest supper is our biggest outreach, other than VBS. We had a lot of new visitors there this year! We're excited to see what God will work through it.


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