
Monday, November 5, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week November 5, 2012

Happy Monday, everyone! Trust you all had a great weekend! Here's a bit on how my week has been:

I’ve enjoyed starting the challenge outlined in Crystal Paine’s book, 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life. I completed 6 days of the challenge this week, reading the day’s material and keeping a brief journal with my thoughts, ideas, and updates on my “mega project.” I wish I could say my week was full of perfect self-discipline, but a liar I am not. :) I did manage to make some headway, and I am excited about continuing on this week!

Here is an example of my not-so-disciplined moments….one day Crystal challenges her readers to make one small habit change that will make your life more disciplined and orderly (her example is to put your purse away immediately instead of plopping it inside the front door). I chose to implement something I read in Emilie Barnes 15 Minute Home and Budget Manager while studying for our time management challenge (I told you these two things went together!) - prepping the coffee pot for my morning coffee while cleaning the supper dishes. Seems like a great idea, right? Well it is...when I remember to do it! I have the hardest time actually remembering it! I have been consistent in prepping it before bed...which makes my mornings easier...which helps out my Mega Project of rising earlier each day! But I’d love to make this a habit, too. So - this week, I’m writing myself a note to stick over the sink...PREP THE COFFEE! :)

Is anyone else doing this challenge right now? I’d love to hear how you are doing so far!

Here are the blessings I added to my 1,000 Gifts list this week:

468. Answered prayer
469. Wise, older women to learn from
470. Chinese for lunch
471. The Lord’s provision
472. Encouraging words from my sister
473. A day of preaching and fellowship
474. God working in exciting ways

My Weekly Goals from last week were...

Make 3 tote bags  - finished two and have two more cut out

Work on other sewing projects

List 4 items on Kijiji - listed three

List 4 items on Etsy - listed three

Work on new printables

Write one email to a friend

Finish “Shiloh Autumn

Begin 2 new books

Complete 6 days of “21 Days to a More Disciplined Life” by Crystal Paine

Attend the South Shore Bible Conference on Saturday

I’m planning on spending a few days at a friends house this week, helping her paint and also attending special meetings at church, so I’m keeping my goals feasible this week.

Work on sewing projects

List 2 items on Etsy

Complete days 7-9 of 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life challenge

Possibly go to a craft fair on Saturday...I know, I’m waiting until the last minute again, but I have not been able to get a hold of anyone to book my table!

Work on new printables

Write 1 email to a friend

Continue reading Pride and Prejudice and Passion and Purity

There is my weekly update for ya! What are you working on this week? Anyone feeling the crunch with Christmas swiftly approaching?

***Note: this post contains some affiliate links. If you purchase an item through these links, I will receive a small commission to help support this blog.


  1. Love reading your blog posts each week. Feeling the crunch? Not yet...I'm actually super prepared this year...partly thanks to Pinterest! I am looking forward to decorating the middle of this month and then starting lots of Christmas baking in December. The only part I'm feeling crunched about is our Christmas program which is Dec. 8 which will make it easier being early in the month. But...a lot of work between now and then!

    1. That is great that you are so prepared! Can't wait to hear all about it via your blog. :)


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