
Friday, November 2, 2012

October Hot Happenings

Its that time again...time to review the month that was October (where has the year gone?), reveal some never-before-seen photos, and issue my goals for this month so y'all can hold me accountable. Welcome November!

Carrie turned 9 this month...last year in single digits!

I gave her this tote bag as a gift for her birthday...I think she liked it, I really can't tell, tho...

We enjoyed visits from family, including my Aunt and Uncle from new Hampshire. It is always fun to take visitors to see the local sites! This was at "our" lighthouse down the road.

Judah discovered he can reach the piano keys...and he already loves to play! Hope his excitement continues until he's old enough to practice! Can you believe he'll be a year old next month???

Rachel and Carrie were sooo brave during our recent Thunderstorm, courtesy of hurricane Sandy. See Rachel's finger clamped right down on the on/off button?

Every Living Thing by James Herriot turned out to be one of the most fun books to read ever! This hilarious book details different circumstances and encounters James Herriot had as a small town veterinarian in Europe. There are some serious parts to the book as well - no animal (or person!) lives forever, after all - but the majority of the book was hilarious stories of working with different patients and their owners.

I will say, that for someone who did not grow up around large farm animals, and is not used to the medical procedures, it may be a bit….shocking. The stories about large animal practice can be detailed. So maybe this is a book for “country folk?” Use your own judgement...and don’t say I didn’t warn you! :)

Shiloh Autumn by Brock and Bodie Thoene was a re-read for me, but I enjoyed it just as much the second time around. I appreciate so much the work of the Thoenes, providing fantastic historical fiction that is a pleasure to read! The story in this book of the small farming community of Shiloh, Arkansas, describes the real needs of real people in the 1930’s - during depression, doubt, and sickness. You’ll be ready to stand beside Birch as he defends his land….cry with Trudy over the lifeless body of her son...visit Grandma Amos’ store to hear the latest news..and whallop Caroline Jenson straight in the jaw out of anger. The injustices done to this community by wealthy people will be enough to make you punch their lights out - added to the problems of depression, drought, and polio. Yes, it is a piece of interesting, good fiction. I can’t wait to add others in the series to my collection!

At our noon meal we’ve been continuing through the Little House on the Prairie Series. We  finished up These Happy Golden Years and are now in The First Four Years. These Happy Golden Years was our favourite! (wait...I said it again!) Rachel said to me a few weeks ago, “I look forward to lunch all day long!” I feel the same way...these books are so captivating and fun to read and learn about life back in the late 1800s.

I have to say that The First Four Years is probably my least favourite of them all. Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote out the first, very rough draft, but then never did any more to it. Friends of her family decided to publish it just as she had written the rough draft, and so many details are not explained fully, and the whole air of the book is very different. It does give the general story of Laura and Almanzo’s first years of married life, which is nice to know. We have absolutely loved this series!

 My goals from last month were:

1. Work on Printables for 2013

2. List several more items on Kijiji

3. Make 8 bags

4. Write one letter/email per week - well, an average of one per week!

5. Read Every Living Thing by James Herriot

6. Read Shiloh Autumn 

7. Complete 1 pinterest project - see it here

8. Complete 1 DIY project - see it here

9. Complete Fall cleaning -  I did some cleaning...didn't necessarily finish everything I had in mind, but I guess its good enough for now!

Here are my goals for this month:

Finish printables for 2013

Attend 2 or 3 craft fairs...we'll see which ones I choose!

Make 4 bags

Write one letter per month on average

Read Passion and Purity

Read Pride and Prejudice (I promise it is total coincidence that my books all start with "p"!)

Complete 1 Pinterest project

Complete 1 DIY project

Work on Christmas gifts (some I DIY, some I don't)

Complete 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life Challenge

What are you up to during November?

Here's what been happening on this here blog during the last month...

We ate way to much for Thanksgiving
Every Wednesday, we learned about time management in a series entitled, "It's About Time!"
Every Friday I joined the fun over at Money Saving Mom and Simply Rebekah and posted a frugal photo. This was a ton of fun!
I shared new printables for 2013, with a peek at some of the others I am working on.
Every week I share blessings the Lord sends my way, but this one in particular made October a great month to be alive.
Here is a favourite recipe: Cookies and Cream Cake!
I tried new things this being a craft sale. Hoping the next one is more successful!

Whew! I guess that wraps up did the month look in your home? Any big events like birthdays or cake contests?


  1. Thanks for the photos and update! Looks Fun!

    1. You are welcome! Thanks for your recent update, too!


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