
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Bucket List {and Subway Art printable}

Just a rare Saturday post to bring you a little something I didn't have a chance to share yesterday!

I whipped up this Bucket List Subway Art the other night after thinking about Christmas countdown/Advent traditions. For one hot second I thought about doing something know, 25 days of something to count down the days to Christmas. But considering it was Thursday night and I had a whole one day to think about it, I decided to forgo that idea. I also get a little scared about committing to something that is 7 days a week. With my unique situation on Sundays (traveling an hour to church, and staying there all day) I pretty much don't think I could commit to something

So...instead, I made a list of the things I'd like to do before Christmas. And put it in a Subway art format because I love Subway art. And decided to share it with you!

Picture 4

I'd be happy to send you this 8x10" art if you just leave me a comment and your email address. I'll be sure to show you next week how I'm using it in my Christmas decor!

Do you count down to Christmas? Are you an Advent calendar person? Or a non-committer like me? =)

Psst: You can see all my other Christmas printables here.

Double-Psst: My BFF started 25 Days to Christmas on her blog today...I know it is going to be a great series, and you should check it out!

Or so she says

Ask Anna

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