
Monday, December 3, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week, December 3, 2012

I really, really can't believe it is December. Already. It really hit home when I posted my bucket list on Saturday, and realized how quickly 24 days is going to go by. Wowzers!

So far, we have been blessed with no snow. :) A few flurries, but nothing more. It is fine with me if the snow comes for Christmas, and then leaves for the rest of the year, lol! It has been quite cold, has become my best friend! Oh wait, coffee already was my best friend...

Here are the blessings I added to my 1,000 Gifts list this week:

489. Cyber Monday Fun!
490. Celebrating two 13-year birthdays
491. Sweet, like-minded friends
492. Supplies on hand for projects
493. Chatting about blogging and goals
494. Gingerbread candle

My goals from last week were:


Make placemats - got these started, and love how they are turning out!

Make 2 bags - finished one

Work on Christmas presents (making a few handmade things….but I can’t tell what :)

Finish Pride and Prejudice and Passion and Purity

Finish a bunch of many as I can get done!

Write one email

Finish the book 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

Work on Pinterest project

I am surprised to find that I don't have an insane amount of things to do this week. Some secret Christmas things that I can't reveal to the public yet, but pretty much just normal-type things. So, I'm setting these goals this week:

Finish making placemats

Make 1 bag

Make a curtain

Continue working on Christmas Presents

Begin reading 2 new books - haven't decided for sure yet which it will be!

Have a brainstorming session with myself, pondering personal, business and blog goals for 2013. (Anyone else have sessions like this?)

Start making a Ninja costume - yup, you read that’s an experiment for a friend!

That is what my week is looking like at this point. How about yours? Are you still working on Christmas stuff? Are you like me, waiting until the last minute? Hey, some things are hard to decide on!

***This post contains some affiliate links. If you purchase a product through these links, I will receive a small commission, which helps support this site. 

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