
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Own Christmas Decor

If you follow my Facebook page, you might remember a few weeks ago when my siblings "christmas-bombed" my room...

Well, I lived with it that way for a week...simply because I didn't have a chance to change it! The time came, however, when I just couldn't put up with the cluttery feeling any more. It was time to do some decorating on my own!

I started by taking everything down and out that I didn't want. I pulled my Christmas totes out of the attic, and started unpacking things.

I feel like I have a lot of Christmas stuff. Considering the fact that I don't yet have my own home to decorate, but I have enough stuff to decorate a whole house. Most of my stuff has a lot of sentimental value, so it is hard to decide what gets put out and what stays packed away! So I came up with a plan...I wanted to keep things very simple, with a red and white theme. That helped determine what to use! Here is my main focal point, the top of my dresser:

Christmas dresser

I (cleaned off the top of the dresser and then) covered it with a white faux sheepskin-type piece of material. On top, I put these special ceramic pieces:


My Nana painted these waaaay back in the 70's, but as long as I can remember she set them out each year, and often I was the one to help her. When she passed away 9 (!!) years ago, my mom took these and has since passed them on to me.

I personally think she did a great job. Santa and Mrs. Claus are sitting on ceramic benches. Mrs. Clause is mending Santa's hat, and Santa is painting a sled (which balances precariously on his hand...and scares the bejeezers out of me when it falls off unexpectedly.)

santas paint

In between these two, I empties the bowl that held my textured balls of yarn before, and filled it with red and white Christmas ribbons. Easy, matches the color scheme, and it was free! win, win!

christmas bows

Above Mrs. Claus' head, I swapped out some art from my gallery wall to help tie everything together.

wall christmas art

I hung a small Christmas spatula, covered one picture like a present, and then popped another piece of pretty wrapping paper in the other frame. Again, easy and free!

close up of wall art

Further down the wall I included my Subway Art Bucket list, right where I can see it every day. Love it!

subway art

Here is a shot of the gallery wall as it looks now:

gallery wall christmasized

The other changes I made to the room were just simple things, swapping out normal decor for Christmas stuff. Like this shelf over my headboard...

shelf christmasized

Other than my not-so-glamorous alarm clock (ha!) I just popped a few things on the shelf to "Christmasize" it. I hung several snowman ornaments from the pegs to at least display some of my ornaments!

I also pushed some books back on my shelf to make room for my manger scene, which I've had since I was a very little girl. I believe my great-grandmother gave it to me.

bookshelf christmasized

And that is all! My siblings like to walk in my room and say, "when are you going to decorate in here?" because they don't think I did enough decorating. :) I, however, am enjoying the minimalistic approach, and the red and white vibe throughout. Plus, the sentimental value of these things means more than a room full of decor!

Where do you fall on the decorating bandwagon? Do you keep things simple or go "all out?" any sentimental items you couldn't part with?

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