
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Christmas Links from the www.

There are so many bloggers that have it all together when it comes to Christmas posting. These peeps have some really fun events going on, and seem super prepared and ready for Christmas! Whether you are ready or not, Christmas is fast why not take advantage of these great links to help you with your holiday planning? Here is a list of 10 Top Christmas Bloggers (in my humble opinion):

1. Christmas...your way (a Life….your way blog) has been and is currently running their 101 days of Christmas Event

2. My BFF Kati is hosting 25 Days of Christmas through December. Lots of great ideas, a giveaway, and opportunities to link up your own Christmas projects!

3. My friend Amanda ran a series in November with 30 Handmade gift ideas. TONS of super great ideas that I hope to try sometime!

4. Org junkie (and a group of organizing bloggers) has a Pinning party going on right now with tons of Christmas pins and links!

5. I {heart} Nap Time recently had their Crazy Christmas Event with loads of great ideas. Even though that event is over, there is still tons of fun Christmas things going on over there!

6. Passionate Homemaking always has some great posts on being intentional during the holiday season.

7. Still in need of some last-minute gifts? Shop from the homemade community! See Gussy’s Holiday gift guide for ideas.

8. Money Saving Mom is hosting A Handmade Christmas, with lots of ideas and links for Christmas ideas.

9. Leah over at Embracing Grace is currently hosting a giveaway for Christmas Cds! Hurry on over to enter (giveaway ends tomorrow!) and while you are there, browse her site for some other Christmasy fun. 

10. A Living Sacrifice (ever heard of them?) is going to continue to blog recipes, traditions and ideas during the rest of December, so stick around! Use the handy buttons in my sidebar to quickly locate the holiday posts

Do you know of any other great Christmas links? Feel free to link up your own posts as well, as many as you want!

Last Top Ten: Christmas Classics

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