
Monday, February 4, 2013

Goals for the Week, February 4, 2013

Happy Monday, friends! I trust that you are as happy as I am to see a new week begin. This last weekend was CRAZY! Here is a snapshot:-

--Thursday we spent most of the day with no power, due to a snapped telephone pole in a town nearby. That meant eating supper and playing games by candlelight. There is no much you can do these days with no electricity, ya know it?

--Friday my brother and I left for a winter teen retreat at Forest Glen Bible Camp. I counseled a cabin of girls, and we stayed up talking until 2:30 am. Oh, the fun camp times!

--Saturday we drove the 3+ hours home, and upon arriving home went immediately to a college volleyball game 20 minutes away. That ended pretty late, so I didn't get to bed until midnight or better that night, either.

--Yesterday the weather was iffy, plus I was getting a sore throat from being out in the cold so much at camp, so I stayed home and went to my dad's church instead of traveling an hour away to the church I normally attend. I really missed my church family, but it was nice to see people here that I don't see very often.

--And of course, last night was the Superbowl. It ended at midnight our time, so again, it was a pretty late night by the time we got home and got to bed!!

Needless to say, I slept in this morning. :) Don't throw stones, ok??

I am excited to get going and accomplish some things this week! Here are the goals I set last week:

Write one letter

Memorize 3 verses

Finish organizing paper clutter - see some systems I put in place here!

Finish Intercessory Prayer

Get up by 8:30 each morning - only missed one or two mornings, besides today {wink!}

Go to FGBC’s winter retreat

Finish some mending for a friend

Hem a curtain for the church

Here are the goals I am setting for this week:

Begin reading Christy by Catherine Marshall

Hem a curtain for the church

Finish some photocopying at the church

Get up by 8:15 *most* mornings [ahem]

Finish one new shop product and share it with you all!!!! {excited face!}

Memorize 3 verses

Start decorating for Valentines banquet

Well, that is about what my week is going to look like. How about yours? Anyone else setting weekly goals?


  1. I love the name of your etsy shop! Your items for sale are super cute too!

    1. Aw, thanks Lydia! It is actually a recent change I made to my shop, and I'm in love with the new name, too. :) Thanks for commenting!


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