
Monday, March 11, 2013

Goals for the Week...and a sale!!!

Happy Monday! How are you all doing after the crazy weekend? Maybe I am the only one that thinks Daylight Savings time makes for a ca-razy day, but I just felt "off" the entire day yesterday. Not sure why! Anyone else feel like that?

I am LOVING that it stays lighter longer in a day, however. Makes me all fired up for Spring to get here! =)

Here are the goals I set last week:

Write 3 letters

Finish “The Spiritual Secret of Hudson Taylor

Start one other book - either “The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Billor “Grace For the Good Girl”...or both! :)

Memorize 3 verses

Continue reading “Salvation

Work on 1 shop item

Write 1 post for another site

Begin working on potholders for a friend

Here are the goals I am setting this week:

Write 1 email

Finish “The Spiritual Secret of Hudson Taylor,” continue reading “The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill” and begin “Grace For the Good Girl.”

Memorize 3 verses

Continue reading “Salvation ” - see my thoughts so far here

Finish potholders and coasters for a friend.

Begin some bibs for a friend

Finish new shop item

Sort through one box in storage

What are you working on this week?

And now....did someone mention a sale??

Last week, I happened to notice on Facebook that unbeknown to me, my page had hit 100 likes. Hold the phone!! When did the three digits happen? I seriously hadn't even been paying attention!

Then at the end of the week, I noticed another three digit number on my blogger dashboard:

Say what? 600 posts! Wowzers! Again, I had no idea that the number was that high!! (Can you tell that I don't really pay close attention to my stats??)

It is really something to know there are 600 posts here - posts that bear my heart, share things meant to encourage, and hopefully make you smile along the way. I absolutely love blogging, and pray that my posts are an encouragement and help to someone, somewhere along the way. Hitting the 600 mark, well that just thrills me. I pray that at least one of those 600 posts has been a help to you in some way!!

All mushyness aside, I decided that both of these are reasons to celebrate. So how about an Etsy shop sale?? Woot!

Beginning right now through March 15 (this Friday) you can use the coupon code FAN10 to get 10% off your entire order. Why 10%? I picked that number based on the Facebook likes - 100 fans, so 10% off. So here is the deal: once I get to 150 likes, well have a 15% sale. 200 likes? 20% sale. See how that works? Aren't you just waiting for the day I get to 1,000 likes? Ha! :)

Hurry on over to So, Sew Organized and redeem your coupon code! See you there! =)

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