
Friday, March 8, 2013

February Hot Happenings

It is that time again...time to take a look over the past month and share family updates, book reviews, and a round-up of what has been happening on the ol' blog. Lets look over February, shall we?

During February, we got to take an unexpected trip to Maine for a week. Unfortunately it was for a funeral, but we still got to spend some time with family we don't see nearly often enough! Here are Judah and his cousin Cassie. They are only 4 days apart in age. You saw them here over a year ago, less than a month old!! Cassie is a sweet little peanut, and Judah is a protective older cousin. He loves Cassie!

They really didn't cooperate for a nice picture, however. Too busy playing together!

Here is Rachel and her cousin Kevin..playing in the snow!

And of course, we have a cute, ever-growing boy in the house...

He is so much fun! He loves to tease and make fun of everyone. He also loves to read books...he will sit and read for quite a while by himself, and he'll let you read to him for hours on end.

He knows a lot of animal sounds and has no trouble pointing them out books, newspapers, and even a restaurant's Easter decor. He is pretty stinkin' cute! :)

During February I read both Christy and Jule by Catherine Marshall. I can't believe I had never read either of these books before...they were very good! Just what I like in a fiction book, they grabbed my attention from the beginning and held it..sometimes too well! I didn't want to put the book down! :)

As with most fiction, there are always some things I wish they hadn't included in the story. I can't agree with every author in every book, after all! But on the whole I thought these were good, interesting books.

Christy tells the story of 19-year-old Christy Huddleston, who leaves her affluent home to teach school in the hills of Tennessee. She is met with much more than a simple teaching job, however. She must learn to understand and love these people who are filled with resentment and hate for one another...and her.

The story of Christy is based on the life of Catherine Marshall's mother...which makes the story that much more interesting!

The book Julie is based on Catherine Marshall's own life...another neat touch! Julietells the story of a family who is coming out of the lowest part of their lives...just how low, Julie, the eldest daughter, did not realize. Just when it seems they've gotten themselves and their struggling newspaper under control, they are met with a new wave {literally!} of insurmountable trouble. Yet the Lord sustains He promises to do for each of us!

I am just finishing up The Spiritual Secret Of Hudson Taylor, which has been an amazing, challenging book! It tells the story of Hudson Taylor's life of faith, and the obstacles he overcame to be a missionary in China. My own faith and trust in God has been so, so challenged by this book!

I was slightly disappointed in the writing style of this book. At times I was a bit confused as to what was going on, just because of how the book had been written. The book is still so worth it, however, so don't let the writing style deter you!

At mealtimes we've been continuing to read through the Grandma's Attic series. During February we read More Stories from Grandma's Attic and have enjoyed following along with the exploits of Mabel and Sarah Jane! These books make great read-alouds...I would encourage you to use them in your own home! Not only are they fun, humorous stories, but each one teaching biblical truths and lessons we all need to learn.

Here is a recap of what has been happening in blog land over the last case you missed something!

My kitchen cleaning plan was the most popular post this month...for a reason! I am just loving the ease of my new system. 

I {belatedly} had a photoshoot with my sisters to take their yearly pictures...and I still love how they turned out!

Of course February means Valentine's least favourite holiday of the year. I did manage to squeeze in my usual Valentin's craft however, and shared my DIY conversation hearts with you here.

Can each word I say be used to glorify the Lord? Yes, it can, and they should! I shared a bit of my heart as I struggled to find an answer when I was praised week after week.

It is a good thing I carry an emergency overnight bag...I got a chance to use it in a blizzard this month! 

I'm striving for a monthly shop update this year...and February's addition was this cute Floral Fusions medium tote! I think this would be a great addition to your Easter outfit - a way to carry your Bible to church in style.

Our February Home Improvement linky party was fun - I enjoyed seeing what some of you have been working on this month! Have you checked out the posts that were linked up? There is some great inspiration there!

Well that is my recap of February. What did your February look like? Any unexpected roadtrips? Blizzards? Fun family time? Do share!

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