
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Home Improvement: the DIY Homemakers Edition {April Party!}

Welcome to our 4th monthly Home Improvement Party: the DIY homemakers edition!!

Home Improvement banner

This is one of my favourite posts of the entire month...a time for all you creative peeps to share what you’ve done this month to improve your home or your lifestyle! YOU are all so smart and I love seeing what things you accomplish and what changes your life for the better!

Here are a couple of things that definitely were improvements in my lifestyle this month:

I decided to choose praise instead of worry. It is amazing how that one simple step can change your entire outlook on life!

I’ve been settling into a habit of memorizing scripture. Here is how I got started and here is the method that is currently working for me! Scripture memory is something we all could stand to improve on, I’m sure!

Now, it’s your turn! Lets get this party started!

Here are the super simple rules to make this a fun party zone...

  • Link up any type of post that has made an improvement to your home this month - a project, organizing effort, cleaning system, new recipe, planning or list making, or even a topical post like couponing or child-rearing. Basically anything goes!
  • Feel free to link up as many posts as you’d like, as long as they are recent {we’ll say anytime in April to be fair}
  • Include a link back here somewhere in your post ~ feel free to use this button if you want!

home improvement button
Grab this button

Don’t have a blog? We’d love to have you share the details of your recent home improvement in the comments!

Let the party begin! I can't wait to see what improvements you have made. Thanks for participating!


  1. I'm so upset at myself! I don't have anything to link this month! :( I'll have a couple for you in May though for our Mother-Daughter-Friend Banquet. I'm very excited for you in your own personal improvements those are wonderful pursuits and I hope you continue to do well in them!

    1. We'll miss you participating this month, but now I'm already looking forward to May!!! Have fun! :)

  2. I can't get your linky picture shows up.

    1. Hmm, thanks for letting me know...I'll see what I can do! Thanks for linking up! =)


I appreciate you taking the time to comment! Some comments may need to be moderated, so don't be alarmed if your comment doesn't pop up right away. I can't wait to hear from you!