
Monday, January 27, 2014

Hello Monday January 27, 2014

Its Monday, time for some hellos! If you're just coming in, Hello Monday posts, started by Lisa Leonard, are where I greet the week with some hellos, and reflect a bit on last week. I'm trying to get better about taking pictures of small things throughout the week...didn't do so well in that area this time! :( Here are my hellos!

Hello cold weather, rain and snow.

Hello organizing projects. Clear spaces are so refreshing!

Hello putting printer and cables hidden out of sight. Such a great solution to a messy area!

Hello electric blanket. You are necessary on these cold days.

Hello woodstove. I'm still figuring you was a bit chilly this morning!

Hello yummy salad. I could eat salad every day...actually, I think I do!

Hello to working on new products for So Sew Organized. Can't wait to reveal these!

Hello drinking lots of water with lemon. This helps me fight colds and flu, so far this year its working great!

Hello new opportunities this week. My week, and my heart, are full!

Hello Monday, and hello to my readers! What are you saying hello to today?


  1. Hello Goodwill and all your awesome finds. Hello Bible and all the promises that are mine! Hello Ladies Conference, you refreshed my soul. Hello sunny Florida, my life is wondrously whole!

    1. Oh made a poem out of it..I LOVE IT! I'd take a little sunny Florida right now, haha! =)


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