
Monday, February 17, 2014

Hello Snow and Monday! February 17, 2014

It's Monday, time for some hellos! If you're just coming in, Hello Monday posts, started by Lisa Leonard, are where I greet the week with some hellos, and reflect a bit on last week.You are welcome to join me by saying hello to your own day in the comments section or over at Lisa's blog. Lets greet the new week with a smile!

Hello Maine winter. After 8 years I'd forgotten what you were like.

Hello chatting with family and friends from home. 

Hello turkeys in my backyard.

Hello metal roof. Makes for an exciting day.

Hello making memories with family. Hoping to make more this week!

Hello roasting marshmallows in the winter. I am convinced that roasted marshmallows taste way better in the winter than the summer!

Hello baptism at church last night. It was a blessing to see two young boys in obedience to the Lord!

Hello funeral for a great aunt. A sad hello for us, but the best hello for her!

Hello days off of work and getting some other things done.

Hello sister in North Carolina and cousin in Connecticut. They are celebrating their birthdays today!

Hello to my blog readers! What are you saying hello to today?


  1. I love roasting marshmallows in the fireplace with my kids. :) Happy Monday!

    1. It is so fun! Thanks for commenting, and happy Monday to you too! =)

  2. It's not Monday anymore but hello to spring being a month away!

    1. Oh, YES!!!! We can say hello to that ANY day of the week! =)


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