
Friday, February 14, 2014

Weekend Wind-Down Party #6

It is Friday again, time for our sixth Weekend Wind-Down party!

I'm so thrilled to be able to bring you this party each week along with 7 other fun bloggers. We're excited to get your posts out there and see what you have to share with us! To start this party we've picked 8 unique features from last weeks party. (Please note that we can only feature posts and/or bloggers that link back to us in some way!) Here are this week's fabulous features:

Ikat Boxes via The Colored Door
Conspiracy Theories via On the Daily Express
DIY Distressed Photo Block via View From the Fridge
How to Teach Geography to Kids via Gurvy Green
DIY Photo Canvas via Carrie This Home
A Different Kind of Valentine's Day Gift via Calm Healthy Sexy
Chicken Pie via Mrs. Domestic Bliss
Mint Kissed Cocoa Brownies via God's Growing Garden

If you've been featured, congratulations! Feel free to grab this button and display it proudly! =) {just right click and save to your computer, then upload to your blog}

Ready to get this week's party started? Me too!

Here are the super simple rules to make this a fun party zone:

Here are the hosts...follow each one on the social media platform of your choice!

 This Simple Home



De Divah Deals



Snippets of Inspiration



A Ranch Mom



Mendez Manor



A Living Sacrifice



Mustard Seed Mommy



Moms Who Save



Have fun, and be sure to visit some other links and meet some new people! I can't wait to see what YOU link up! =)

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