
Monday, August 11, 2014

Hello Monday! August 11, 2014

It is Monday, time to say hello! Hello Monday is where I say hello to the fun that was last week and the excitement that this week will bring. I'm joining the community at Lisa Leonard Designs, won't you join us?

Hello Monday.

Hello cool mornings and hot afternoons.

Hello busyness and intentionally finding some quiet moments.

Hello upcoming week of work.

Hello friends visiting from Canada.

Hello working on some new items for So Sew Organized this week.

Hello too many pretty fabrics to choose from. :)

Hello back to school sales.

Hello preparing for an upcoming Writer's Conference.

Hello getting used to staying up late and getting up early.

Hello long walks with an aunt.

Hello three weekends in a row of dogsitting.

Hello fantastic cousins that are there when I need them.

Hello Monday, hello readers! What are you saying hello to today?

Linked up to: Lou Lou Girls, The DIY Dreamer


  1. I love your post. Pinned. It is always a pleasure to have you be a part of our party! Please join us tonight at 7 pm.
    Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

    1. Thanks Kimberly! Hope I'll have a chance to come by!

      Nicole =)


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