
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Where I've been + what I am learning

Summer has been simply fabulous around here, and with beautiful summer weather comes busy, fun-filled days! The month of July was crazy busy with fun activities, want to hear a little about it?

We started the month with a visit from cousins in NY, as well as a big birthday/graduation for another cousin. They hosted a big outdoor party complete with bonfire, fireworks, volleyball, and of course - great food!

We did a lot of other fun things through the week...Disc Golf, a play, Sweet Frog, soccer, just to name a few!

The following week a bunch of us took a day trip to Foxborough, MA to watch the Patriot's practice!

A week after the first round of cousins left, more came...this time from CT and Alberta! One of my cousins brought a 4 week old baby, so there was PLENTY of baby-holding that went on that week!

We waited in line for an hour to get huge delicious lobster rolls!
It was a fantastic, fun-filled, busy, tiring month! I have been reminded again why summer is my favourite season, how much I love family time, and just how great my family is. We had way too many late nights, watching movies, playing card games, or just visiting and catching up on each other's lives. I learned that I crash after a couple of weeks of late nights. :) I also learned how important it is to intentionally foster relationships, not only with family that lives in other states but also with the family that is in the next town over. I'm thankful for the Godly family that God has placed me in and they way they help encourage me to be more like Christ.

July flew by, and it looks like August is going to do the same. This week friends from Canada come to visit, so I'm sure I'll have more fun to share when they are gone! I hope that you are enjoying your summer as much as I am, and intentionally spending quality time with those closest to you.

Feel free to comment and share about your summer below!

Linked up with The DIY Dreamer, Weekend Wind-Down, Say G'Day, Lou Lou girls


  1. Looks like you had a great summer. We are watching the Patriots play the Eagles now... GO E A G L E S !!! - lol See ya later gator.

    1. Umm, Go PATRIOTS!!! ;) Regardless, thanks for stopping by, haha!

      Nicole =)

  2. Thanks for sharing your fun post at the Say G'day Saturday Linky Party. It looks like you have had a wonderful summer!

    Hope you can join us again this weekend.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

    1. Thanks Natasha, I certainly plan to stop by!

      Nicole =)

  3. What a fun post! Pinned. Thanks for being a part of our party. I hope you get a chance to stop by tonight at 7 pm. We love having you!
    Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

  4. Sounds like you have been having a great summer, making lots of family memories! And watching the Patriots... !! So awesome. :)

    1. It has been so fantastic! Hope yours has been the same! :)

      Nicole =)


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