

I would love to hear from each of you! If you have any comments, suggestions, concerns, or just want to chat, you can contact me in any (or all!) of the following ways:

Email me: soseworganized(at)gmail(dot)com

Like our page on Facebook!

Follow me on Pinterest.

I can't wait to hear from each of you!


  1. Amo os seus printables gostaria de saber se posso baixar-los, para fazer o meu organizador!

  2. can I be entered into the giveaway?! :)

  3. could i please have some of the printable for my Christmas book? I make cards for my family and for families that are in need that want to send some out... thank you susan

    1. Hey Susan! I'd love to send you some printables..but I need your email address! Also, could you be more specific about the ones you'd like to receive? Some are available for purchasing in my Etsy shop:

      I'll look forward to hearing from you! =)


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