
Monday, January 16, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

We focus so much on the doing.

We make our to-do lists, we check 'em twice, we rejoice when things get crossed off. We have people to see, places to go, things to do. Always. A doctor's appointment here, a church service there...always busy, going, going, going. And it can be all good things. 

But do we ever focus on the why?

I was challenged this week to focus on why. Is it for me, or for God? Do I do these things based on my love for God and for other people, to build them closer to God and to show Him in all that I do? Or do I just do, because I have to, and that is what is expected, and for pete's sake, if I don't do it, who will?

Maybe I just need to take time to remember why I do. How am I benefiting others? Am I doing this (fill in the blank) with the well-being of the people around me in the forefront of my mind? Or am I so concerned about myself, that I don't see them?

Those are the thoughts filling my head as I begin a new week. When we focus on others, it makes the blessings of God seem even more abundant and causes me to appreciate them even more.

Continuing my 1,000 gifts....
178. Visitors at church
179. Opening my Etsy shop
180. Laughter at the dinner table (at my expense, but that is ok! :)
181. Chat with a friend
182. First sales in my Etsy shop! Woot!
183. Tim's for breakfast
184. Fellowship with a friend
185. Warm house
186. Warmer day outside
187. Chatting with friends in NC
188. Warm puppy laying on my feet

Can I just say, that already I am loving having goals each week, putting them right here for the world to see, and then being inspired to get them done! Tremendous, I tell you! It is already making a huge difference in how I perceive my week. Here is how I did this last week:

Everything got done except for that tote bag, partially because while I was cutting out the fabric pieces, I decided to cut out enough for two bags, which took more time. I did start one bag, but have not finished it yet. This week for sure!

An update on my exercising....I've been faithful in drinking my coffee every day, so that is going well. Just kidding! (Read this post if your a bit confused.) I have been doing quite a bit of walking, since we have been having quite the mild winter so far. Our church is 1/10 of a mile down our lane from the house, so I've made it a point to walk back and forth each day, and not drive. I walk back and forth at least twice a day, so I'm getting nearly 1/2 mile of walking each day. Thats not much, but I'm not exercising to lose weight or train for a 5K, so I'm ok with that. Even that little bit helps me feel good physically and provides a nice time to enjoy the great outdoors...when I'm not shivering to death, that is! :)

Now that I have sufficiently patted myself on the back, here are my goals for this week:

I absolutely LOVE the book I'm reading right now, and I can't wait to tell you all about it once I finish it. It is a hard one to put down. The Christmas clutter is still popping up everywhere and seems to all gather on my dresser or bookshelf, which I would desperately like to get cleared off. Something about nice, open, clean surfaces is so pleasant! And then, the Pinterest project. I mentioned in this post that I want to try to do one Pinterest-inspired thing per month this year. I already know what I am going to try to do, now to just make it happen! I'll be sure to get you all the deets as soon as its completed!

Well, there are my Gifts and Goals for the week. Anyone else making weekly goals? What are you reading right now that is inspiring you to live a Christ-centered life?

Goal sheet found here.

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