
Monday, February 13, 2012

Gifts and Goals for the Week

We’ve been dumped on again this weekend! Sunday morning I woke with that familiar bluish glow in my room...fresh snow had fallen! While I don’t particularly like the snow (I’d like it a whole lot better if I could stay in my pj’s, drink nothing but coffee and never leave my blankets, but I wouldn’t get much accomplished, now would I?) even I have to admit that it is awfully pretty on the trees. This is only the second “real” snowfall we’ve had this year (you saw the first one here) so I guess I can’t complain!

Pure, white snow like that reminds me of the verse, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." (Isaiah 1:18) I am so in-expressively thankful that although I fail the Lord repeatedly, he doesn’t see the sin in my heart. Because I am a Christian, he views my heart as white as snow! Glory be! (Interesting note: did you know that there is a snowfall recorded in the Bible? 2 Samuel 23:20. Check it out!)

Here is what I added to my 1,000 Gifts list this week:

215. Making a hospital visit
216. Chatting with friends
217. My Windsong candle
218. Staying in my pj’s while working (Ok, so I do it sometimes! :)
219. Meeting a new pastor’s family
220. Walk through the woods

How is your 1,000 Gifts list coming along?

Here was my list of Goals for this last week:

And here is my list for this coming week:

I'm excited to cross some of these things off!  I have a great Pinterest project in mind, so stay tuned for the big reveal later in the week. If I get a chance I might be tackling some other organizing/purging projects too...we'll just have to see how the week goes.

What projects are you working on this week? Anyone else on the Pinterest bandwagon with me? How about purging projects?

Linking up with Money Saving Mom!

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