
Monday, January 7, 2013

First week of Goals in 2013!

Happy New Year! After a couple of weeks away, I'm chomping at the bit to get back to blogging. I greatly missed you all while I was away! :)

We had a fabulous time visiting with family in the States for nearly two weeks. Although it was a very different Christmas then we have ever experienced, we still had a great time and clocked hours and hours with cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents!

I'm planning on filling you in later this week with all the juicy details of our trip. In the meantime, it is time to set some goals!

There is just something so exciting about a new year. I love looking forward to the long year ahead and thinking about where I want to be at the end of it. It will go by faster than I think, so I'm determined to make every day count!

I've set some goals for the year which I'll be sharing soon. But you know me, I like to break those goals down until they are specific, practical and daily. That means setting weekly goals, as I've done over the past year, and plan to continue doing.

So...without further ado, here are my goals for this week:

Begin reading one book

Write one letter to a friend

Start writing out thank you cards

Memorize 3 verses

Clean up Christmas decor

Find 6 things to get rid of

Make one new item for my Etsy shop

I'd encourage you, if you haven't been already, to start setting some weekly goals for yourself! They don't have to be major items, and you don't even have to set as many as I have for this week. Start small and figure out a system that works for you. If you need some motivation (or a good chuckle) go here to see the very first time I set weekly goals. I started small, and have found over the last year it has been easier and easier to be more specific and get more done. Also, I'm already in love with my new system for recording my monthly and weekly far it has been so much easier than last year's not-so-great system!

Another huge motivation has been linking up to the weekly goals linky party at Money Saving Mom. If you are blogging your goals each week you can link up, or you can simply share your goals in the comments section of her post. Reading about other's goals is a great motivation, and helps keep me accountable! I would encourage you to head over and see for yourself!

Here's to a new year and new goals! Have you set goals, big or small, for 2013? Do you find that breaking them down weekly is helpful? Who are you accountable to so you are more likely to get them done? I'd love to hear what system works for you!

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