
Monday, March 4, 2013

Goals for the Week, March 4, 2013

Happy Monday, friends! I'm excited that this is a new week, with new opportunities ahead! How about you?

My whole family has been battling a nasty head cold this week, so I did not get as much checked off the 'ol goals list as I would have liked. I'm thankful for what I did get accomplished, however, and I'm looking forward to doing better this week!

The goals I set last week were:

Finish The Spiritual Secret of Hudson Taylor

Get up by 8:15 each morning - oh yes, while being sick...not happening! What was I thinking?

Write 3 letters

Continue reading Salvation by Earl D. Radmacher

Hem curtain

Memorize Philippians 2:22 and review the verses I've learned in Philippians 2 so far

List one new shop item {Eeek!} - have you seen the new Kindle sleeves in my shop? No? You MUST go check them out! They fit any tablet/eReader with a 7" screen!

Write one post for another site

Here are the goals I'm setting this week:

Write 3 letters

Finish “The Spiritual Secret of Hudson Taylor

Start one other book - either “The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill” or “Grace For the Good Girl”...or both! :)

Memorize 3 verses

Continue reading “Salvation

Work on 1 shop item

Write 1 post for another site

Begin working on potholders for a friend

What fun things are you working on this week??

Psst! Don't forget...tomorrow is our Home Improvement: DIY Homemakers Edition linky party! head back here at 9am EST to link up or participate in the comments section!

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