
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Home Improvement: DIY Homemakers Edition {February Party!}

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The day is finally here...time for you to link up the improvements you've made to your home over the last month!

My biggest improvement this month has definitely been the addition of the kitchen cleaning schedule I posted about here. It has made the maintenance of kitchen cleaning so much easier!

I just covered the chart with contact paper (remember the food splatters?) and used sticky tack to put it on the inside of a cupboard door {next to my highly organized cleaning supplies...}

Hmm, perhaps organizing that cupboard should be next month's home improvement! {wink!}

But now, lets get to the party. This is all about seeing what improvements you've made this month!

Here are the super simple rules to make this a fun party zone...

  • Link up any type of post that has made an improvement to your home this month - a project, organizing effort, cleaning system, new recipe, planning or list making, or even a topical post like couponing or child-rearing. Basically anything goes!
  • Feel free to link up as many posts as you’d like, as long as they are recent {we’ll say anytime in February to be fair}
  • Include a link back here somewhere in your post ~ feel free to use this button if you want!

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Grab this button

Don’t have a blog? We’d love to have you share the details of your recent home improvement in the comments!

Let the party begin! I can't wait to see what improvements you have made. Thanks for participating!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun little home improvement project. How did it turn out, and will there be any in the future?


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