
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Book Review: How To Market and Sell Your eBook: Extras and Giveaway!


Ok, heres the normal drill....If you haven't read the other parts of this review, you can go read the Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

As if Sarah's Mae's book wasn't captivating enough....she had to go and include some extras that just push this eBook over the top! Seriously, this book is just crawling with tons and tons of helpful resources, links, and advice. (Well, not literally crawling....eww.) Sarah gives some enlightening statistics (in case I wasn't already convinced....which I was), answers more reader questions, and provides links to help with every single-wingle aspect of writing an eBook that you could possibly come up with. (I made that'd you like it?)

Here are just a couple examples of what you'll find in this section of the book:

"Women make up 66% of eBook power buyers" -- eBook stats

"To escape criticism -- do nothing, be nothing, say nothing." - Elbert Hubbard

"Does one make more money self-publishing or traditional publishing?"

...sorry my friend! You'll have to get the book to find out the answer!

Theres also a link called "What is a blog?" along with several other blogging links, and some helpful definitions...I finally know what "hyperlink" really means!! (Ha ha, just kidding....I knew what it meant...sorta....I mean, who doesn't know what hyperlink means? Really, I think I did know what it meant....)

Hopefully that gives you a taste of all the extremely helpful and enlightening material this book has made available to us. Sarah Mae has really outdone herself in providing this book so affordably. She makes it way easier for us newbies in the self-publishing world to dare to get our feet wet! Personally, this book has challenged me to start thinking in the direction of publishing an eBook....don't worry, when I do get it done, you'll be the first to know!

Sarah Mae has graciously made a copy of this book available to one of my lucky readers! Thats right, I am officially hosting my first...

Um, no, I'm not excited about it, why do you ask? This is only one of the greatest books you could ever wish to own! And I'm so glad that I can be the one to give it to one of you. So heres the scoop:
  • Leave a comment on this post. For fun, tell me what you think about eBooks. Are you a "move over hardback" type of person, or a traditional, library type of person? How many eBooks do you own? Have you thought about writing your own book or eBook?
  • For a second entry, follow Sarah Mae's blog, and leave a comment telling me that you did. You can subscribe by RSS, follow through twitter and Google friend connect, or subscribe by email.
  • Comments must be submitted by midnight on August 5th, and the winner will be announced right here on the 'ol blog on August 6th. Winner will be chosen using
  • Giveaway is open to anyone worldwide that can open a PDF file. If you don't know what that is, but you have a computer, you probably can.
Good luck!

Note: I did receive my own copy of this book for review. But all opinions are completely and totally my own. What can I say, I'm cheap like that!


  1. i'd love to win this book! I just recently got a Kindle for my birthday, and am enjoying entering the world of digital books. Thank you for this giveaway!

  2. i sorta like traditional books but hey i'm willing to give this a chance and maybe i will learn something.

  3. Pick Me! Pick Me! Move over, hardcovers! =)

  4. Ive just been ABSOLUTELY HOOKED on Ebooks, and my collection is growing by the DAY! I would love to win this, and maybe write my own....someday...(can i do it...ooh, I'm scared!)

  5. yay no more library and book clutter is what I say. this is easier to keep organized.

  6. Publishing is a dream of mine, that I hope to make a reality!

  7. I'm somewhere in the middle between traditional and not. Would love to win this.

  8. Are best friends allowed to win? :) I heart ebooks and have quite a few. Take up less space for this minimalist type gal.

  9. Move over hardcover, eBooks are way easier. I'd love to win this.

  10. Hey is it to late to enter? I'd love to win this for my mom!


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