
Sunday, October 20, 2013

So Sew! Day 20: Free Picture Download

Welcome to day 20 of our 31 Days sewing series! Today I'm sharing a fun download.

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Each Sunday in this series, I'm sharing a free download to inspire you as a seamstress or crafter! So far these have included an inspirational quote, but today's art is a bit different.

Since the beginning of this series, my favourite picture so far has been the detail picture of my colourful pins that makes the background for the button above. It is just such a fun, colourful print! I've been using it as my desktop background lately, and thought you might like to, too. So I'm offering it to you un-edited, to use as you like! Feel free to add your own text or some other overlay to it, or just use as is!

I'm also sharing the version from my post this week on Patience. Because we all need that reminder, don't we?

Enjoy! Be sure to let me know how you use these!

Other posts in this series:

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