Monday, September 23, 2013

Goals for the Week, September 24, 2013

 Happy Monday, everyone! How has the beginning of your week been? Our weather is a bit crazy right now...yesterday it was 80 degrees and today it was mid-50s!! No wonder this is cough and cold season, right?

I picked up these beauties over the weekend. This will be part of the Christmas collection at So Sew Organized! I can't wait!

 Here are the goals I was working towards last week:

Finish girl's shorts
Memorize Philippians 4:3-4
Practice piano 2x
Continue to plan for the upcoming holidays
Write one hand-written note
Work at a teen retreat

And here are the ones for this week!

Memorize Philippians 4:3-4
Practice piano 3x
Write one hand-written note
Spend 1 hr. purging and organizing
Post one new shop item - squeal!

I'd love to hear how things are going in your neck of the woods, and what goals you are setting for this week! Any Fall activities going on?

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