
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

So Sew! Day 22: A Simple Hem

Welcome to day 22 of our 31 Days sewing series! This is a tutorial for a basic hem, two ways!

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Today I'm going to show you how to make a basic hem on anything - two different ways! The first is the very basics...all you need is an iron, your sewing machine, and the item you need to hem. In this tutorial, I'm hemming a curtain.

First we need to take care of the raw edge. You don't want that to be seen on the finished product, but you also want it enclosed so the edge doesn't unravel and come out of your stitching. So start by folding the raw {that means unfinished} edge over about 1/4" and iron it.

Next, fold it over again the width of your hem. This here is a 1" hem - depending on what you are making, your hem may be a different width.

Then just sew close to the first folded edge! Use the guides on your sewing machine to keep your stitching straight.

That is the first, most basic hem. Here is another variation - with a serger.

I explained yesterday how my serger is really a lifesaver, and cuts down on time and effort in certain projects! A hem is just one example.

I start by serging the raw edge. This finishes it so it won't fray, plus I think it looks a little more professional.

Contrary to the first method, this one only has to be folded over and ironed once, since the edges are already enclosed. So fold it over and iron this edge the width of your hem. Here is a wide hem, at 5".

You can pin this if it will make you feel better. I find ironing it is enough, but feel free to pin it if you need the added security. =)

Sew near the serged edge.

Aaand, you're done! Pretty easy, huh?

Now who said sewing was difficult?? {wink!}

Challenge: Any questions about this process? No? then grab some scrap fabrics and give it a whirl! Test either or both of these methods, and let me know how it turns out!

Other posts in this series:

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