Monday, May 30, 2011
A Hero Of Another Sort

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Goodbye Ponies
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Photo Editing

Monday, May 16, 2011
Organizing/Cleaning Post (Finally!!) With A Printable!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Why You Should Fly Jet Blue
I know I told you that I would post about my cleaning/organizing/last minute stuff I did before I left Canada. And I will. Promise. I just told you it would be in the next decade, so I have plenty of time to work on it. (Insert laugh here)
But in the meantime, and since I just got done a day of flying, I wanted to tell you all about the day. And why you should fly Jet Blue Airlines.
Let it first be said that I’m not doing this because Jet Blue promised me lots of money or asked me to do this. I’m just telling you this because next time you fly you’ll appreciate my advice. I really, thoroughly enjoyed my experience with Jet Blue, and if they read this and decide to give me a free flight, ya know, like halfway around the world or something, I won’t complain.
So back to my flights. Because I am going to be here for 6 months, I had, um, slightly more luggage than a normal person. But really I did pretty good! I just had one really large suitcase and one smaller one and my backpack as my carry on. My first checked bag was free, but the second one I had to pay for. The guy at the check-in was super helpful...he tried to get me to take the smaller bag as a carry-on instead, but it was just waaaaay too heavy and full of liquids and gels anyway, so I just decided it was worth it to pay for it. Nice of him to try to save me some green, though. Then I went to pay for that bag, and all I had was cash. I didn’t have exact change, and he didn’t have any change, so he knocked $5 off the price. Seriously, this guy was intent on saving me money. Mucho thanks, buddy.
I flew out of Portland, which is a pretty small airport. I actually sat outside security talking to my Grammie, who took me to the airport, until 20 minutes before I had to board. Then I breezed through security (I’ve got that down to a science!) and only had about an 18 minute wait to board my flight. We boarded right on time, and as soon as everyone was seated we were airborne!
It was by far the quickest I’d ever taken off. Usually its like, sit and wait for who knows what or who knows who that has to be paged all over the airport or the pilot wants another cup of coffee or SOMETHING! But not this time, just sit, buckle, and we’re off. LOVE IT!
Because of this efficiency, we landed 35 minutes earlier than we were supposed to. Yeah, when does that happen? Oh, and even though it was only a 45 minute flight, we still got a personal TV, soda, and a snack...with a choice of potato chips or chocolate chip cookies. (Just so you know, I picked chips. And they were blue. They say that they are made from naturally blue potatoes, but I have my suspicions. They were just so….so...blue!)
I was supposed to have about a 2 hour layover, but it ended up being more like a 3 hour layover because we got in so early. Which is fine, I actually really like just browsing around the airport, watching people, and not feeling at all rushed. Not too far from my gate I found a Dunkin and a Boarders….the perfect combination! And they had free wireless with these cute little places for you to sit with your laptop, and an outlet right next to you. It was a great layover.
My second flight was slightly more delayed, but not bad. We boarded a little late, and then there was some minor glitch with starting the engine. They still got us moving very quickly (maybe a 10 minute wait?) and we landed only a little late. This flight was longer which just meant that we had more snack choices. :)
Oh, and can we just talk about legs for a minute? I mean, leg room. Supposedly they have these seats that if you pay a little extra you get an “Even More Legroom” seat, which gives you even more legroom, in case you were wondering. But myself and the girl beside me both came to the decision that there is no need to pay the extra moolah because there is plenty of legroom in the regular seats. I was able to put my backpack under the seat in front of me because there was so much room under the seats, and so I didn’t have to worry about getting up to get something out of the overhead bins. It made it much easier. (I hate standing in the aisle making the whole rest of the passengers wait while I heft my backpack into that space. Blah.)
And a couple other blessings from this flight (that have nothing to do with Jet Blue, really):
I had window seats for both flights. I LOVE window seats! If you think God’s creation is beautiful down here, you should see the “big picture” of it when you are up in the air! Stunning!
I had an empty seat beside me on the first flight, and had two nice ladies sitting in the seats next to me on the second flight. No fat men beside me or anything.
My cousin Crysten and my siblings made me a couple plane letters to open while in the air. Very fun! Got some chocolate out of it, which is always a good thing.
My sister Rachel (with a little help from my parents) wrote me this poem and put it in my plane letter. I must share it with you. I laughed so hard, the other passengers probably thought I was wacky. Which isn’t true, btw. (I’m going to spell everything just like she did, because that is half of what makes it so funny.)
While Your Away
While your away
We will have fun,
Playing outside
Cause school will be done.
While your away
We’ll have Jaimie instead,
She will stay in your room
And take up the whole bed.
(Can I just insert: someone has warped that poor child’s mind. You know who you are!!! :)
While your away
We won’t cry boohoo,
Miss Jaimie won’t make us practice
As much as you do.
While your away
The weather will be cool,
But you’ll be in Florida
Just like a fool.
While your away
Aunt Kathy will be here,
And you’ll be so lonely
You might shed a tear.
While your away
You’ll get a nice tan
And maybe if your lucky
You’ll even get a man.
(I’m told that my mother helped with that part….very funny.)
While your away
We’ll miss you very much
Do not forget us
And be shure to keep in touch.
Love, Your Family
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Making My Organizing Efforts Look Good
I'd like to show you a small part of my organizing efforts from this week. You know that I am leaving soon, and I really wanted to get all of my stuff in order so that it is not in the way while I am gone. I also needed to clean some stuff out of my room, as my parents have an intern coming this summer who will be using my room.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Flowers in the Spring
Monday, May 2, 2011
Missionary Monday
Dear Family and Friends,
“The LORD has done great things for us; whereof we are glad.” Psalm 126:3
The Lord has been doing great things in my own life over the past few weeks, and I am excited to share with you the opportunities He has given me. Over the past few months I have been ministering in Canada along with my family at Calvary Baptist Church. During that time I was trying to gain permission to teach piano, a ministry that I felt the Lord was calling me to do. Despite hours of research and phone calls, I was unable to gain the necessary permission because of my current status as a temporary resident.
A few weeks ago it became clear to me that the Lord had something else in mind for me at this time. I was presented with the opportunity to spend six months helping at a mission board, Gospel Mission of South America, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The Lord has answered many, many specific prayers and has shown the way clearly to this ministry and opportunity. I consider it a short-term missions trip, with the incredible opportunity to be a help to many missionary families.
During my time at the mission office, I will be helping in the office in the absence of the director and his wife. They, in turn, will be going to the field to fill in for a missionary on furlough. I will be involved in normal secretarial work there, and working along side another couple to accomplish the tasks of running a mission office.
GMSA is a mission board focused on reaching South America with the gospel. Their purpose is to glorify God by serving the sending churches as we help their missionaries establish reproducing churches in Latin America through evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development. My every effort in ministry with GMSA is intended to further the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in South America. I have been to Argentina and Chile on a three week missions trip with this mission before. It has been my privilege to get to know many of the missionaries and their families, which makes this opportunity all the more exciting to me.
I would ask that you might remember me in your prayers during this time. This opportunity is different than anything I have done before, and I believe that the prayers of the Lord’s people are vital to His work being accomplished. Please pray that the Lord gives me the strength to recognize and do what he wants me to accomplish during my time there. I will be leaving in just two short weeks, and will be in Florida until November.
This opportunity is not a paid position. As I will be relying on the Lord for strength, so I must rely on Him for my finances during this time. The mission has been gracious to provide housing and a car for my use while there, both of which are blessings and answers to prayer. I will be trusting the Lord for finances in travel expense, day to day living expenses, health insurance that is required, and for gas money to be involved in a local church there. If the Lord lays it on your heart to be a help in this area, you can consider helping me with a one time gift or on a monthly basis. All donations may be sent to one of the following addresses:
Gospel Mission of South America
1401 SW 21 Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Canadian donations may be sent to:
Gospel Mission of South America of Ontario
P.O. Box 150
St Charles, ON P0M 2W0
GMSA has asked that supporters include a note with your donations stating that it is to help with my short term ministry. 100% of all donations with go directly to meet my expenses. Each supporter will receive a receipt for tax purposes.
Your support during this time, whether through prayer or through finances, is a great encouragement to me as I seek to do the Lord’s work. If you would like to receive periodical updates of my ministry there, send me an email at the address below. My prayer is that at the end of this trip, I will be able to say, “I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” (John 17:4)
Because He Lives,
Nicole Risinger
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Incomparable Christ Conclusion